Together, let us deploy our energies to innovate, produce and share value sustainably.
Municipalities, Communities or public stakeholders, if you are willing to promote renewable energies in your area and lead an active policy in the energy transition, we propose that you join us in developing and together, building solar and/or wind energy projects in your local area.
SOLVEO Energies proposes setting a common objective of building renewable energy assets to contribute to the improvement of the energy mix in your area.
Since the Law on Energy Transition for Green Growth was passed (LTECV – Article 109 and 111), municipalities and their groupings can participate in the capital of a public limited company or a simplified joint-stock company whose corporate purpose is the production of renewable energy. Companies are set up to carry out a renewable energy production project and may, at the time of the constitution of their capital, offer a share to natural persons, in particular to inhabitants whose residence is in the vicinity of the location of the project, as well as to local authorities and their groupings on whose territory it is located.
– take care of creating the joint venture;
– allow public actors and their partners to subscribe to the share capital of the company at its creation;
– adapt projects together to the territory and local expectations;
– share the value and profits created by the sale of the electricity produced during the operation of the various projects.
SOLVEO Energies’ experience in equity ownership of its project companies:
Since 2018, SOLVEO Energies has opened the capital of 5 project companies to public or semi-public stakeholders for a total of about 30MWp. SOLVEO Energies and its partners have set up a shared governance system with the participation of shareholders in a strategic committee which guarantees total transparency of operations. SOLVEO Energies’ partners in these operations are: AREC Occitanie and Terra Energies, the investment fund of the Occitanie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine regions.
Renewable energy projects (mainly solar and wind) developed by SOLVEO Energies represent a responsible investment opportunity combining economic, environmental and social performance.
Investing in solar and wind power plants has many advantages:
– Visibility: with a turnover based on rates fixed over 15 to 20 years.
– Stability: future expenses are known, anticipated and controlled.
– Security: 25-year manufacturer’s warranty and business interruption insurance.
– Responsibility: participation in the energy transition.
SOLVEO Energies is present across the entire value chain, from design to operation, and we aim to remain a majority shareholder in the power plants we build, which ensures a valuable alignment of interests for our partners’ trust.
There are many ways to invest and they provide stable annual flows and much higher returns than common, riskier investment products:
– in shares, bonds and current accounts.
– through equity investment (minority shareholdings), or bonded debt (fixed rate of return over a fixed term).
SOLVEO Energies’ experience in bank project financing:
Since 2010, SOLVEO Energies has raised over €100m in bank project financing with some 15 banking partners.
SOLVEO Energies’ experience in fundraising:
In April 2021, the SOLVEO group raised €30m from two investors specialising in renewable energy: Crédit Mutuel Capital Privé and Midi Energy, in dedicated funds of the Caisse d’Épargne Midi Pyrénées.
Want to know more?
To encourage local investment, we propose to the citizens of the areas where our photovoltaic power plants or wind farms are located to participate in the financing of our projects in a logic of value sharing.
SOLVEO Energies enables private individuals to co-invest in a model that has proven itself for several years and in a sector of the future.
Savings collections from individuals are organised through AMF-approved* platforms dedicated to renewable energies, which allow individuals to invest according to their income in a renewable solar or wind energy project. The operation is then similar to any other type of financial investment: the sums invested are remunerated each year at an attractive interest rate.
*AMF: Authorité des marchés financiers – Financial Markets Authority.
Do you want to get involved in the ecological transition?
“As a player with a strong presence in its region, the Solvéo group wanted to respond to climate and energy challenges by integrating local populations and communities into its mode of operation to enable everyone to make the most of the resources of their region and to contribute to achieving the ambitious objectives set by the government that respect our planet. We are looking to accelerate green growth to help pass on to future generations a model that is sustainable in the long term.”
Jean-Marc Mateos
CEO of the SOLVEO Energies Group