Farming synergy

Since 2008, our engineering and agronomy teams have been studying and developing structures that enable synergy between agricultural production and photovoltaic production.

Thus, SOLVEO Energies is involved every day to improve and sustain farm activities. With its wide range of expertise, SOLVEO Energies supports and accompanies farmers in the development of joint projects and sustainable solutions.

As a pioneer in agrivoltaics, SOLVEO Energies has been farming 33 hectares of medicinal plants under photovoltaic shelters for 10 years. The company is developing numerous projects in conjunction with crops or livestock in accordance with the Afnor label, the recommendations of the Ademe or the Institut de l’Elevage (Livestock Institute).

Our farm synergy solutions

Solar hedges Cultiveo

SOLVEO Energies’ offer

Agrivoltaics is an ingenious response to the needs of farmers by increasing the resilience of their production to climate change, and by ensuring the provision of equipment where appropriate.

Dynamic shadehouses, shelters or greenhouses are all equipment allowing for better management of the crop system thanks to the regulation of microclimates: water management, temperature control, etc. Crops are physically protected from pests and the weather, not to mention the alliance of structures with agricultural systems: irrigation, trellising, etc.

Furthermore, coupled with livestock farming, agrivoltaics improves the well-being of livestock and strengthens the fodder autonomy of farms thanks to the protection of the plant cover, particularly in hot periods.

SOLVEO Energies offers you several proven technical solutions that can be adapted according to the way the operation is run:

  • Innovative dynamic solution for perennial crops;
  • Real Agricultural greenhouses with moderate or low shading;
  • Crop or livestock shelters;
  • Solar hedges for field crops or livestock.
Projects related to this solution
SOLVEO Energies controls each step of the project

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