Participatory funding for the Saint-Ambroix site: let’s go!

This 26 July, working with Enerfip, SOLVEO ENERGIE is offering the public the opportunity to participate in funding the Saint-Ambroix Est wind farm.

Located in Saint-Ambroix, in the department of Cher, France, the project is to set up a wind farm of 3 wind turbines for a total installed capacity of 14.4 MW. This park will produce approximately 32,323 MWh per year, or the electricity consumption of approximately 6,780 households and the equivalent of 14,910 inhabitants, representing approximately 23% of the total electricity consumption of the city of Bourges. Construction is expected to start in early 2023, with commissioning planned for the end of the year or early 2024.

Key facts: the Saint-Ambroix Est wind farm will prevent the release of approximately 1,380 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere per year, i.e. 27,670 tonnes of CO2 over 20 years.
For SOLVEO ENERGIE, involving residents in local and citizen participation in a wind power project means encouraging alternative, renewable and sustainable electricity consumption in a living environment conducive to sustainable development.

Find out more about the project at and

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